.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.

Senin, 24 Maret 2008

My First “Pempek”

Last long week end we just stayed at home cause my lovely baby azzam still caught. Saturday moorning my parent came to Jakarta to visit us and specially their grand son. because azzam sicks and they miss azzam somuch so they came to Jakarta. Saturday evening we went around Jakarta by Taxi. We just want to make our parent happy because it was the first time my father go to Jakarta. After we had around and around, our last . destination was go to ITC Cempaka Mas. There we prayed sholat ashar and I bought some clothes for azzam yeah just visited one shop but my lovely husband and my father unpatient for long. So as soon as possible we had to harry up and leaved ITC. Then we went to sederhana restaurant and got a dinner after it we went home caused it was maghrib time. Then we had a rest at home. Sunday moorning my father went back home by train that was my father he couldn’t stayed at our home for longer but my mom still stay at our home. We just stayed at home just had a conversation with my mom. Sunday evening I got an idea to make pempek becaused there was a tengiri fish at freezer. I maked pempek without experience and receipe, that was silly thing. Caused of Aa’ liked pempek so much so I tried to make it and liked cooking too. After several step the result was “treng..treng..treng” (ini pempek ato somay ga jelas deh)..ha3..! but the taste “lumayan lah” tapi gak mak nyuss..that was my first pempek. Never mind I will try and try to be a real house wife..he2..

Notes : just give a comment, if my tenses wrong

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